Oct 23 2023

Physical Demands Analysis (PDA), also known as Functional Job Analysis (FJA) or Job Demands Analysis (JDA) is a systematic process used to evaluate the physical requirements of a job or task. It involves breaking down the specific tasks of a job while considering physical demands, such as lifting, carrying, pushing, pulling, or repetitive motions, that are necessary to perform the job effectively and safely. 

The analysis aims to provide a detailed understanding of the job requirements, including the forces, postures, and motions involved. Many professionals conduct PDAs, but I will outline why Physical Therapists are well-suited to conduct a Physical Demands Analysis due to their expertise in human anatomy, biomechanics, and movement. 

Here are a few reasons why Physical Therapists are the best choice for conducting PDAs:

Oct 06 2023

I don’t normally write the blog posts because I spend my days in the office, behind a desk and my expertise is not something we bill for.  But, I am a small business owner and I make many of the financial decision for our business.  I understand weighing the costs vs. the benefit.  Throughout the years, I have heard from so many employers that they have a hard time justifying the initial investment of validated Physical Demands Analysis for their organization.  So, normally we get called after a terrible accident or when OSHA comes to visit…again.  However, we really do our best work when things can be addressed proactively.   

So, here’s my overview of cost justification for Physical Demands Analysis. 

May 01 2019

One of the most valuable things an employer can do to protect themselves from unnecessary workers comp injuries is have an accurate, validated Functional Job Analysis for each position within their organization.